Cloud Foundry Weekly deep dives into various aspects of the Cloud Foundry ecosystem. Join Nick and Nicky as they interview special guests from the community and deep dive into special features within the VMware Tanzu and Cloud Foundry ecosystem.
Latest Episodes
Cloud Foundry Weekly: Bootiful Spring with Josh Long! : Episode 30
This week on Cloud Foundry Weekly, our special guest will be Spring's own Josh Long!If you're into Spring, Josh might be a familiar name. He's a Spring Developer Advoc...
Cloud Foundry Weekly: Live with CF Legend James Watters! : Episode 29
James Watters joins the show to share his Cloud Foundry experiences. Don't miss this chance to catch up with one of the cf legends!
Cloud Foundry Weekly: Routing Platform logs with SCDF & Fynesy: Episode 28
Superstar Mark Fynes returns to the show this week to explore how platform engineers can use the Spring Cloud Data Flow (SCFG) tile to control log routing to various e...
Cloud Foundry Weekly: What's new with BOSH and OpsMan?: Episode 27
Maya Rosecrance will join the show to dive deep into new BOSH and VMware Tanzu Operations Manager (Ops Man) features. Don't miss this episode to see how these new feat...
Cloud Foundry Weekly: Spring AI Zero to Hero: Episode 26
Adib Saikali will join the show to run through his zero-to-hero session on Spring AI. This episode will be a great way to introduce you to Spring AI and sample applica...