Nick Kuhn
Tweets: @CloudFoundry | @cf_weekly co-host | #Homelab | #vExpert 23-24 | Tech Marketing @VMwareTanzu | Prev @kroger_tech | Tweets are my own
Appears in 39 Episodes
Cloud Foundry Weekly: Homelab Holiday Party : Episode 39
Join the extended Cloud Foundry weekly crew as we celebrate the holidays, reflect on the year, and geek out about our homelabs!
Cloud Foundry Weekly: Tanzu Value add for Cloud Foundry : Episode 38
This week, friends of the pod Tim Leong and Mark Fynes will join the show again to discuss all the goodness that Tanzu adds on top of the Cloud Foundry ecosystem.
Cloud Foundry Weekly: GenAI for TPCF is GA! : Episode 37
This will be the first part of our Tanzu Platform 10 launch coverage. Nicky and Nick will deep dive into the GA release of the GenAI for Tanzu Platform Tile. Don't mis...
Cloud Foundry Weekly: The vibe at Kubecon: Episode 36
Nicky will share his insights from Kubecon North America! He will share his stories from working at the Cloud Foundry Foundation and VMware Tanzu booths.LinksCloud Nat...
Cloud Foundry Weekly: Tanzu Friends at VMware Explore BCN: Episode 35
Cote and Keith Lee will join the show this week live from VMware Explore Barcelona 2024!
Cloud Foundry Weekly: Exploring Sanford, GenAI, & cf-toolsuite updates: Episode 34
cf-toolsuite fans - Don't miss this episode! Friend of the pod, Chris Phillipson, will return to share updates on the latest addition to the cf-toolsuite, Sanford! Thi...
Cloud Foundry Weekly: Recap CF Day EU 2024: Episode 33
What to catch up on all Cloud Foundry excitement from Karlsruhe this year? Be sure to tune into the show as we recap all the great talks and topics from Cloud Foundry ...
Cloud Foundry Weekly: Into the DMZ: Compliance DeepDive: Episode 32
It's time for another "Into the DMZ" security series update with David Zendzian! Chris Cropper will also join the show to deep dive into cloud-native security and comp...
Cloud Foundry Weekly: Live at CF Day Germany! : Episode 31
Join the Cloud Foundry Weekly crew as we are thrilled to host an incredible real-world Cloud Foundry User, Daniel Boegelein (Datev eG). We are also delighted to host A...
Cloud Foundry Weekly: Bootiful Spring with Josh Long! : Episode 30
This week on Cloud Foundry Weekly, our special guest will be Spring's own Josh Long!If you're into Spring, Josh might be a familiar name. He's a Spring Developer Advoc...
Cloud Foundry Weekly: Live with CF Legend James Watters! : Episode 29
James Watters joins the show to share his Cloud Foundry experiences. Don't miss this chance to catch up with one of the cf legends!
Cloud Foundry Weekly: Routing Platform logs with SCDF & Fynesy: Episode 28
Superstar Mark Fynes returns to the show this week to explore how platform engineers can use the Spring Cloud Data Flow (SCFG) tile to control log routing to various e...
Cloud Foundry Weekly: What's new with BOSH and OpsMan?: Episode 27
Maya Rosecrance will join the show to dive deep into new BOSH and VMware Tanzu Operations Manager (Ops Man) features. Don't miss this episode to see how these new feat...
Cloud Foundry Weekly: Spring AI Zero to Hero: Episode 26
Adib Saikali will join the show to run through his zero-to-hero session on Spring AI. This episode will be a great way to introduce you to Spring AI and sample applica...
Cloud Foundry Weekly: Live from VMware Explore 2024 Las Vegas! : Episode 25
Join Nick and Nicky as they host Cloud Foundry Weekly Live from VMware Explore Las Vegas 2024! We will welcome members from the Tanzu Vanguard, Cloud Foundry, and VMwa...
Cloud Foundry Weekly: KBYG VMware Explore Vegas! : Episode 24
Nicky and Nick will give a pre-explore show to breakdown all the great sessions you should attend! If you are still looking to fill up your calendar with great tPCF re...
Cloud Foundry Weekly: CF and Tanzu Platform, better together: Episode 23
This week, Jacob Newton joins the show as we deep dive into the new features in the Tanzu Platform geared towards Cloud Foundry platform engineers and developers! Don'...
Cloud Foundry Weekly: Into the DMZ: Crowdstrike Edition: Episode 22
David Zendzian (aka DMZ) will join the show to continue our mini-series on security, now titled "Into the DMZ." Based on the popular chat from episode 20, we will deep...
Cloud Foundry Weekly: tPCF Hidden Superpowers, Save $$ with java native images : Episode 21
Mark Fynes joins the show to explore how to save money and resources with hidden superpowers within the Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry and java native images and dro...
Cloud Foundry Weekly: Deep Dive on TCO for Tanzu Platform : Episode 20
Do you need help calculating all the cost savings your install of Tanzu Platform Cloud Foundry is giving you? Don't miss this episode as Mia Villarreal will be our spe...
Cloud Foundry Weekly: Install GenAI on TPCF LIVE!: Episode 19
Join Nick and special guest star Tim Leong for a live walkthrough and guide on installing the GenAI for TPCF tile!Download the beta:
Cloud Foundry Weekly: Tanzu Talk Crossover with Cote: Episode 18
Cote is joining the show to do a crossover from the Tanzu Talk podcast/Lifecast series! We will discuss cloud-native stuff, cloud foundry, what app platforms are great...
Cloud Foundry Weekly: Deep Dive into Shared-Nothing Logging : Episode 17
Nicky and Nick will deep dive into the shared-nothing logging architecture with our special guests, Carson Long and Matthew Kocher. Learn how you can begin to optimize...
Cloud Foundry Weekly: No GPUs, No Problem! : Episode 16
Join this week's episode as Nicky and Nick dive into the initial public beta release of GenAI on Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry. Nick will demo some of his labs, sho...
Cloud Foundry Weekly: Security Stories with DMZ : Episode 15
David Zendzian (aka DMZ) will join the show again this week as our special guest star. We will discuss security updates in Cloud Foundry, VMware Tanzu, and the industr...
Cloud Foundry Weekly: Data Services: Gemfire, MySQL, Postgres & Rabbit, Oh My! : Episode 14
Get ready for an exciting episode all about data! Join us this week with special guests Gregory Green and returning favorite Mark Fynes as we discuss optimizing data s...
Cloud Foundry Weekly: Exploring Platform Automation with Tony Elmore : Episode 13
Our special guest this week is Tony Elmore. We will deep-dive into Platform Automation with Tanzu Application Service. Tony will share his work on optimizing Platform ...
Cloud Foundry Weekly: Recap CF Day NYC: Episode 12
Join Nicky and Nick as they recap their experiences at Cloud Foundry Day NYC 2024!Nick's Twitter Thread:
Cloud Foundry Weekly: Live at Cloud Foundry Day NYC: Episode 11
Join the Cloud Foundry Weekly crew as we are thrilled to host some incredible real-world Cloud Foundry Users, Tom Brisco (JPMorgan Chase & Co.) and Greg Otto (Comcast)...
Cloud Foundry Weekly: Exploring enterprise RAG applications with GenAI for TAS: Episode 10
This week, David Wu will be our special guest star as we explore building enterprise RAG applications using GenAI for TAS. Don't miss this episode as we deep-dive into...