Cloud Foundry Weekly: Live at CF Day Germany! : Episode 31

Join the Cloud Foundry Weekly crew as we are thrilled to host an incredible real-world Cloud Foundry User, Daniel Boegelein (Datev eG). We are also delighted to host Amelia Downs (a leading Cloud Foundry contributor) and promote conversation between our Cloud Foundry Users and Contributors. They'll share practical insights on how their organizations run their businesses with Cloud Foundry. We're excited to close out the show by demonstrating how the Cloud Foundry contributor’s work is used in the real world and how Cloud Foundry drives your everyday lives

Creators and Guests

Nick Kuhn
Nick Kuhn
Tweets: @CloudFoundry | @cf_weekly co-host | #Homelab | #vExpert 23-24 | Tech Marketing @VMwareTanzu | Prev @kroger_tech | Tweets are my own
Cloud Foundry Weekly: Live at CF Day Germany! : Episode 31
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